Patrick Skipworth

Software developer based in London

Git Postman HTML CSS Wordpress Figma JavaScript React TypeScript Node.js Python Flask pytest Django Swift PostgreSQL mongoDB Docker CI/CD


I am a creative and resourceful software developer with a background in web development and creative industries. I have experience in Python, JavaScript, Swift and Agile scrum project management, alongside many other commonly used technologies. Building on a previous solid foundational knowledge of web development and project management skills gained from previous roles, I bring a unique blend of technical proficiency and strong communication skills to the table. I am excited to bring these skills to a Software Developer role as I complete my move into tech.



Word guessing game with image clues pulled from Google Images API

Tech: TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Render

Skills demonstrated: 3rd-party APIs, deployment

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Fridge Wizard

Web application tracking expiry dates and suggesting recipes to users supplied by 3rd-party API

Tech used: Python, Django, Javascript, React, MongoDB, Render

Skills demonstrated: UX design, deployment, Git workflow

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Harrow Law Centre website

Website redesign with new styling and reactive design adapted for mobile and desktop viewing. Also set up TLS security certificates and staging environment

Tech: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TLS

Skills demonstrated: UI/UX design, client communication

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Full stack program for storing and booking properties

Tech used: Python, pytest, pyenv, SQL, Flask

Skills demonstrated: Agile scrum workflow, Git workflow, TTD, certificates, full-stack Python development


Collaborative project to develop social media site with distinct front- and backend

Tech used: JSX/React, Go, PostgreSQL, vite, vitest, Surge, Render

Skills demonstrated: Agile scrum workflow, TLS trust and identify, Git workflow, front and backend collaboration, deployment


Database using 3rd party API

Tech used: Python, pytest, pyenv, Flask

Skills demonstrated: 3rd party APIs

Password Validator2

Program to validate and store user passwords

Tech used: Python, pytest, pyenv, SQL, Flask

Skills demonstrated: Backend data validation


January 2024–Present Junior Developer Makers, London

Skills Acquired:

Proficiency in Python, JavaScript and Swift: Developed proficiency in Python, JavaScript and Swift through intensive coursework and hands-on projects, such as a password manager application. Extended my skills with knowledge of popular app frameworks such as Flask, Django and React.

Database management: Learned foundational SQL and noSQL practices, using Postgresql and psycopg to manipulate a database of property information for a social media application and MongoDB to track expiry dates of food stored in a user’s fridge

Web Development Skills: Acquired skills in frontend and backend web development, including HTML, Flask, Django, Postman, Docker, RDS and SCSS while developing a bookings application.

Problem-Solving Abilities: Gained experience in solving coding problems through unit testing and debugging, using pytest, jest, vitest, xctest and built-in debugger software to improve outcomes.

Version Control: Learned to use version control systems such as Git alongside setting up and managing virtual environments through pipenv, enabling collaboration and code management.

Agile Methodologies: Utilised agile development practices during team projects, engaging in collaborative development and code reviews.

2022–2024 Guidance, Information, and Content Adviser / Publishing Editor The National Archives, London


Reviewed, maintained, and updated The National Archives’ web guidance and training offerings for government departments and organisations. This involved creating new web content aligned to government accessibility guidelines and legal requirements, using Google Analytics to monitor user experience, and facilitating on-site and remote learning sessions on relevant topics for government departments. Maintained and developed new web services related to legislation.

Relevant Skills Gained:

Web content creation and management: Developed and maintained web content, newsletters and training materials. Led a department-wide move from PDF to HTML content.

User-Centric Approach: Improved content through incorporating user preferences understood through data analysis and feedback and aligning with accessibility standards.

Agile scrum: Worked in agile framework with a tech dev team on rollout of new legislation drafting software.

2020-2022 Executive Editor / Managing Editor


Proposed, commissioned and managed various book publications, working with diverse teams and clients to prepare innovative and marketable children’s book titles. I oversaw ten to twenty creative projects per year across different media, rolling out an Agile environment framework to improve collaboration and accountability both within the company and with external stakeholders.

Relevant Skills Gained:

Project Management: Managed multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring timely delivery and quality and working with a variety of stakeholders, including large institutions such as the Natural History Museum and Gatsby Foundation.



Leiden University, Netherlands - MA, Linguistics

UCL, UK - BA, Classics and Classical Languages


My interest in languages, which informed my university education choices, also led to the writing of my own children’s book which was published in 2020. Literally: Amazing Words and Where They Come From received glowing reviews from multiple publications and was supported with a marketing campaign including an interview on the Just Imagine podcast. This gave me a chance to talk at length about my love of languages, and first hand experience of being a creative involved in a marketing campaign.

I also enjoy video game and modding them, and have recently gained some experience working in a Windows developer workflow with Chocolatey and Oh My Powershell while developing a mod to complement my MacOS developer experience through Makers Academy.